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Certificate Of Dissolution


AS HOLDERS OF ALL OUTSTANDING SHARES of stock entitled to vote on the dissolution of [Name of Corporation], hereinafter referred to as Corporation, in accordance with Section [Section Number] of the Laws of the state of [State of Juridisdiction].

WE, the holders of all outstanding shares of stock of said Corporation do hereby certify:

1. The legal name of said Corporation is [Legal Name of corporation].

2. The names and addresses of the Corporation's directors are as follows:

Name Address

[Names and addresses of the Corporation's directors]

3. The names and addresses of the Corporation's officers are as follows:

Name Title Residence

[Names and addresses of the Corporation's officers]

4. The Secretary of State of the State of [State of Jurisdiction] accepted the Corporation's Articles of Incorporation for filing and the Corporation's Articles of Incorporation were subsequently filed on [Date filed].

5. The Corporation hereby elects to dissolve.

6. The Corporation possesses only one class of stock.

7. At a special meeting of shareholders, the dissolution of the Corporation was properly authorized by vote.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have signed our names to this certificate.

Shareholder Shareholder

Date: [Date signed]
